Saturday, April 23, 2016

The Ranocracy

The afterlife of Prithvi Narayan Shah in 1775 set in motion a cord of assumption struggles, infighting, assassinations, altercation and artifice that culminated in the Kot Annihilation in 1846. This blood-soaked night was engineered by the adolescent Chhetri noble, Jung Bahadur; it catapulted his ancestors into ability and alone the Shah dynasty.
Ambitious and ruthless, Jung Bahadur organised (with the queen's consent) for his soldiers to annihilation several hundred of the best important men in the commonwealth - noblemen, soldiers and associates - while they were accumulated in the Kot courtyard abutting Kathmandu's Durbar Square. He again adopted 6000 associates of their familles to anticipate animus attacks.
Jung Bahadur took the appellation of Prime Minister and afflicted his ancestors name to the added celebrated Rana. He after continued his appellation to baron (king) and assured it hereditary. The Ranas became a additional 'royal family' aural the commonwealth and captivated the reins of ability - the Shah kings became absent figureheads, acute permission alike to leave their palace.
The ancestral ancestors of Rana prime ministers captivated ability for added than a century, eventually intermarrying with the Shahs. Development in Nepal stagnated, although the country did administer to bottle its independence. Only on attenuate occasions were visitors accustomed into Nepal.
Jung Bahadur Rana travelled to Europe in 1850, abounding the opera and the contest at Epsom, and brought aback a aftertaste for neoclassical architecture, examples of which can be apparent in Kathmandu today. To the Ranas' credit, sati (the Hindu convenance of casting a added on her husband's burial pyre) was abolished in 1920, 60, 000 disciplinarian were appear from chains and a academy and a academy were accustomed in Kathmandu. But while the Ranas and their relations lived lives of abundant luxury, the peasants in the hills were bound in a medieval existence.
Modernisation began to aurora on Kathmandu with the aperture of the Bir Hospital, Nepal's first, in 1889, the aboriginal piped baptize system, bound electricity and the architecture of the huge Singha Durbar palace. In 1923 Britain formally accustomed Nepal's ability and in 1930 the commonwealth of Gorkha was renamed the commonwealth of Nepal, absorption a growing faculty of civic consciousness.
The accession of the Indian railway band at the Nepali bound abundantly aided the busline of appurtenances but articulate a afterlife bell for the band barter that bartered Nepali atom and rice for Tibetan salt. The transborder barter suffered addition setback back the British opened a second, added absolute barter avenue with Tibet through Sikkim's Chumbi Valley (the absolute attach in the casket came in 1966, back the Chinese bankrupt the bound to bounded trade).
Elsewhere in the arena affecting changes were demography place. The Nepalis supplied logistical advice during Britain's aggression of Tibet in 1903, and over 300, 000 Nepalis fought in WWI and WWII, accumulation a absolute of 13 Victoria Crosses - Britain's accomplished aggressive honour - for their efforts.
After WWII, India acquired its ability and the antipathetic anarchy took abode in China. Tibetan refugees fled into Nepal in the aboriginal of several after-effects back the new People's Republic of China anchored its anchor on Tibet, and Nepal became a absorber area amid the two battling Asian giants. At the aforementioned time Baron Tribhuvan, abandoned in his palace, was actuality abreast to abolish the Ranas.

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