Saturday, April 23, 2016

Boudhanath Stupa, Kathmandu

Bodnath was apparently congenital in the 14th aeon afterwards the Mughal invasions; assorted absorbing legends are told apropos the affidavit for its construction. Afterwards the accession of bags of Tibetans afterward the 1959 Chinese invasion, the temple has become one of the best important centers of Tibetan Buddhism. Today it charcoal an important abode of crusade and brainwork for Tibetan Buddhists and bounded Nepalis, as able-bodied as a accepted day-tripper site.

What to See at Boudhanath Stupa

From above, Bodnath Stupa looks like a behemothic mandala, or diagram of the Buddhist cosmos. And as in all Tibetan mandalas, four of the Dhyani Buddhas mark the basal points, with the fifth, Vairocana, anointed in the centermost (in the white hemisphere of the stupa). The bristles Buddhas additionally personify the bristles elements (earth, water, fire, air and ether), which are represented in the stupa's architecture.

There are added allegorical numbers actuality as well: the nine levels of Boudhanath Stupa represent the allegorical Mt. Meru, centermost of the cosmos; and the 13 rings from the abject to the acme betoken the aisle to enlightenment, or "Bodhi" — appropriately the stupa's name.

At the bottom, the stupa is amidst by an aberrant 16-sided wall, with frescoes in the niches. In accession to the Bristles Dhyani Buddhas, Boudhanath Stupa is carefully associated with the Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara (Padmapani), whose 108 forms are depicted in sculptures about the base. The mantra of Avalokiteshvara - Om Mani Padme Hum - is carved on the adoration auto beside the images of Avalokiteshvara about the abject of the stupa.

The abject of the stupa consists of three ample platforms, abbreviating in size. These platforms betoken Earth, and actuality you can attending out at the mountains while alert to the chants of the adherent accomplishing kora, walking about the stupa praying.

Next appear two annular plinths acknowledging the hemisphere of the stupa, emblematic water. As at Swayabunath, Bodnath is topped with a aboveboard belfry address the all-knowing Buddha eyes on all four sides.

Instead of a adenoids is a question-mark-type attribute that is absolutely the Nepali appearance for the cardinal 1, emblematic accord and the one way to ability enlightenment—through the Buddha's teachings. Aloft this is the third eye, emblematic the acumen of the Buddha.

The aboveboard belfry is topped by a pyramid with 13 steps, apery the ladder to enlightenment. The triangular appearance is the abstruse anatomy for the aspect of fire. At the top of the belfry is a gilded canopy, the apotheosis of air, with aloft it a gilded spire, allegorical of ether and the Buddha Vairocana. Adoration flags angry to the stupa agitate in the wind, accustomed mantras and prayers heavenward.

The capital access to the high belvedere of Bodnath Stupa is on the arctic side. Actuality Amoghasiddhi, antecedent of the approaching Buddha, presides. Below Amoghasiddhi is the Buddha Maitreya, the approaching Buddha.

Surrounding Boudhanath Stupa are streets and attenuated alleys lined with bright homes, Tibetan Buddhist monasteries, and artery vendors.

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